Anawim Program Team Attends Full Circle Retreat

Anawim Housing program staff participated in a day long retreat centralized on Full Circle, Anawim's innovative peer support program. At Anawim, we believe our program participants hold the key to solving their own problems and we are here to support that growth and progress.The Full Circle retreat - organized by the Greater Des Moines Leadership Institute's Community Leadership Class of 2020 - was in agreement with that same principle

Anawim Housing’s experiences with the Community Leadership Class of 2020 has been extraordinary. The passion, dedication and thoroughness of the team to dive in and learn about Anawim Housing’s Full Circle peer support group was beyond expectation. The group took extraordinary precautions in making sure they collected information from program participants in a trauma sensitive and respectful manner and through this process gained a clear understanding of the challenges presented in our application of the Full Circle program. The recommendations and deliverables by the group to help Anawim Housing to provide efficiencies and sustainability to the Full Circle were insightful, creative and innovative.  The retreat environment supported by the leadership class provided time, direction and space for the Anawim Housing Program Team to step away from the daily rigors of our jobs and place our focus and talents directly on Full Circle. Through that process we were able to find a clear path forward to sustaining and growing Full Circle in a manner that we can all be a part of and be proud of. 

  • Graphic Recorder, Nathan Wright, helped to capture thoughts and key take-aways in real time into an inspirational vision board for Anawim Housing. Learn more about his work by visiting his website:

  • Read about the GDMLI Community Leadership Class of 2020's extensive work and year-long project with Anawim Housing HERE. 

Testimonials from the retreat: 

"The Program Teams Staff Retreat was a great opportunity for me to learn more about what Full Circle is and how our clients can and have benefited from attending Full Circle. I now have a better understanding of how I can contribute and better support my teammates." - Taz, Program Manager

"Our retreat allowed us to step away from the day-to-day chaos of our work and focus on building a solid foundation for Full Circle. Having space to step back and look at the bigger picture allowed staff to share their frustrations, name challenges, and brainstorm how to move forward to better serve and partner with our participants." - Hannah, Program Manager.

"The retreat gave me the opportunity to express my desire to be more involved with Full Circle. I have always loved seeing how happy it makes our program participants, and now I feel more prepared to lend a hand and take on a contributing role."  - Erin, Program Administrative Assistant


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